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Corporate Governance Outlook 2024

Featuring commentary from DFIN

Corporate Governance Outlook 2024, an Equilar publication, analyzes the proxy statements and shareholder voting results for Equilar 500 companies from 2019 to 2023. The Equilar 100, a subset of the largest revenue reporting companies in the Equilar 500, was manually reviewed for specific examples of disclosure in targeted areas. The publication analyzes pressing trends in corporate governance over the last five years. DFIN offers independent commentary on what to expect in 2024 and how to prepare for the shifting governance landscape.

About the Report

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Key Findings

  • Environmental and social shareholder proposals have more than doubled at Equilar 500 companies since 2019 
  • 81% of Equilar 100 companies featured detailed board evaluation disclosures in 2023, up 20% since 2019 
  • Detailed ESG disclosures have surged to a prevalence of 97% of Equilar 100 companies 
  • Income was the most common company-selected measure found in PvP disclosures, employed by 63.1% of Equilar 500 companies in 2023