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Executive Long-Term Incentive Plans 2024

Executive Long-Term Incentive Plans,  an Equilar publication, examines the performance metrics associated with long-term incentive awards granted to CEOs and other NEOs at companies in the Equilar 500. The publication also features a more in-depth examination of the most recent long-term incentive awards granted to CEOs at Equilar 100 companies—a subset of the Equilar 500. For this analysis, data includes performance metric measurement approaches, weightings, performance ranges as a percentage of target performance and as a percentage of target payout, and relative TSR percentile goal ranges.  

About the Report

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Key Findings

  • In 2023, 72.5% of Equilar 500 CEO LTIPs employed relative TSR as a metric, up 27.4% since 2019 
  • The most common weighting for relative TSR metrics used in Equilar 100 CEO LTIPs was 50% 
  • For Equilar 100 CEO LTIPs, 200% stood out as the most common maximum payout range  
  • Among Equilar 100 companies that used relative TSR in their CEO LTIPs, 52.9% must meet the 50th percentile to trigger the target payout